
Sunday, May 15, 2011


The weather didn't cooperate with me and my goal to ride my bike. I could have ridden on Friday, but it was questionable in the morning so I didn't chance it.

Part of getting healthy is dealing with my environmental allergies and asthma. I haven't been able to clean for a long time because of my sensitivity to dust and the chemicals used to clean the house. Since I haven't been able to deep clean without making myself ill, the dust and dog hair has piled up to embarrassing proportions.

So, knowing that I would make myself ill, I just had to clean this weekend. I can't stand the level of filth in my house any longer and it must be dealt with post-haste! That being said, it is slow going... I do a little at a time and then take a rest. I am using as few chemicals as I can in order to keep my reactions down, and I'm dusting and vacuuming as I go along to minimize the dust released into the air... Just a few rooms down and more to go. But, I know that I will start feeling better in a clean environment. I will also need to have a conversation with my husband to see if he will be able to do the deep cleaning on the house in the future when he is home and I am at work. If I can get him to cooperate, then I should be able to maintain a better environment so I won't be so sick as much...

Wish me luck!

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